you know the sky

March 14th, 2014

IMG_2830Lie back in the water, watch the sky above. Tilt your neck back a bit further and see the curve. The circular planet and horizon stretching on forever in blue or shrouded in clouds.

Like late summer evenings when the storm clouds gather and thunder rumbles gently, like your stomachs reminding you of a late dinner.

The heat of the day dimming rapidly, the wind gathering the dripping leaves around you.

Damp clothes sticking on damper skin. Who wants to wipe off the ocean cool after such a dry hot day.

The water darkens from grey to brown to black to match the crepuscular roof above.

And you could be floating in space.

The water is so dark it’s a void. And you’re flying through it.


  1. Tamara Parker says:

    i love this nat. its beautiful.

  2. Manisha says:


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